Alexandra Burridge
MBBS GradDipBus DipFinServices Member SAFAA
Senior Investment Adviser
I seek to optimise the quality of life for my clients by providing astute investment advice and a complete portfolio management service.
Alex spent 30 years in a Medical career, practicing as a General Practitioner, owning and running four large medical centre businesses, before fulfilling a long-term ambition to work as a stockbroker and investment adviser. Alex studied the stockmarket from her early years and was a keen investor from the age of 12. For over 40 years she has navigated through multiple stockmarket and economic cycles, bringing a depth of experience and knowledge to her current role.
Investment Style
Alex designs investment portfolios to match each client’s individual needs and objectives. Her core expertise is in shares listed on the ASX as well as international shares, property securities, and fixed interest securities. She favours businesses with strong fundamentals and excellent long-term prospects for investor return, via dividends and capital growth. Risk management is an important part of her service to clients, and portfolio diversification is a key focus in managing risk. Alex has a special interest in superannuation funds from set up, through to investing and annual administration, through to pension phase management.
Services and Specialties
Superannuation Advice
Wealth Management
Investment advice within Superannuation
Fixed Interest and Cash Management
Self-Managed Super Funds
Investment Advice
Margin Lending and Gearing Strategies
Options and Warrants
Portfolio Administration
Qualifications and Professional Affiliations
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery
Ethics and Professional Relationships
Diploma of Financial Services
Graduate Diploma of Oenology (Winemaking)
Diploma of Obstetrics
Graduate Diploma of Business
Member of Stockbrokers and Investment Advisers Association (MeSIAA)
Derivatives Level 2
Managed Investments
Life Insurance
Financial Planning
Margin Lending
Derivatives Level 1
I am employed by Morgans Holdings (Australia) Limited which operates the business of Morgans Financial Limited - Adelaide. My employer remunerates me by way of salary and percentage of fees. As a shareholder of Morgans Holdings (Australia) Limited, I may be entitled to a share of profits. I am eligible to participate in a bonus scheme depending upon performance.