Andrew Look
Investment Adviser
Through a considered approach to investing, my aim is to provide active portfolio management for my clients to build wealth over the long term.
Andrew has relocated back to Australia from London where he spent seven years working in financial markets, for firms such as Deutsche Bank and RBS. During this time he gained experience in derivatives as well as trading and portfolio management. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from Bond University majoring in Finance and Business Law.
Investment Style
I am a pragmatic thinker with the ability to understand complex ideas in a theoretical and practical manner. I aim to draw on my global markets experience and curious nature to provide long-term solutions for my clients’ wealth management needs, as well as identify special opportunities as they arise.
Services and Specialties
Superannuation Advice
Wealth Management
Fixed Interest and Cash Management
Margin Lending and Gearing Strategies
Qualifications and Professional Affiliations
Ethics and Professional Relationships
Bachelor of Commerce
No items found.
Margin Lending
Managed Investments
I am employed by Morgans Holdings (Australia) Limited which operates the business of Morgans Financial Limited - Brisbane. My employer remunerates me by way of percentage of fees. I am eligible to participate in a bonus scheme depending upon performance.
Disclaimer & Warning: Any advice in this email is GENERAL ADVICE only. Clients are advised to discuss with the author the appropriateness of each recommendation, to personal financial needs, objectives and financial circumstances.