Campbell Walker
BCom(Hons) GradDipAppFin
Senior Investment Adviser
I can provide detailed investment advice across a range of asset classes for those wanting to invest in superannuation and other entities. These asset classes include Australian shares, international shares, cash and listed fixed interest.
Campbell has a diversified and risk managed approach to buying quality investments with the aim of generating consistent returns. He has developed the 'Total Return Strategy' for the Australian market: 'Dominator stocks' that return cash to shareholders through increased dividends and/or share buy backs. This strategy has dual aims of being lower risk than the market and also providing better returns than the market.
Investment Style
Most investments are directly listed on the ASX and implementation is through Campbell directly - a non-discretionary account. Campbell's more than 24 years of industry experience spans a range of income and growth focussed strategies. Prior to becoming a financial adviser, Campbell worked as a Marketing Manager at BHP Billiton Limited (BHP).
Services and Specialties
Wealth Management
Fixed Interest and Cash Management
Investment advice within Superannuation
Self-Managed Super Funds
Qualifications and Professional Affiliations
Ethics and Professional Relationships
Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment
Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)
Bachelor of Commerce
Member of Stockbrokers and Investment Advisers Association (MeSIAA)
Managed Investments
Financial Planning
Margin Lending
I am employed by Wealth Boulevard Pty Ltd which operates the business of Morgans Financial Limited - Southbank. My employer remunerates me by way of salary. As a shareholder of Wealth Boulevard Pty Ltd, I may be entitled to a share of profits. I am eligible to participate in a bonus scheme depending upon performance. As a Director of Wealth Boulevard Pty Ltd, I will be entitled to a share of profits.