A city skyline at night with a boat in the water.
Leigh Filipovic

Leigh Filipovic

Authorised representative number: 000342807

Partner - Morgans Brighton

I aim to create and, preserve wealth through sensible financial management, informed analysis and prudent judgement.
Leigh advises a diverse range of clients on both wealth creation and preservation through effective and sensible financial management. Leigh has extensive experience in financial markets across both corporate finance and personal finance. Prior to joining Morgans, Leigh was employed by KPMG Corporate Finance where he specialised in mergers and acquisitions.

Investment Style

Leigh offers his experience and expertise to clients seeking personalised and sophisticated wealth management and investment advice. This advice includes the development of a personalised investment strategy spanning the primary asset classes of shares, listed property, fixed interest and cash. Active ongoing management and regular personal contact are a key part of Leigh's ongoing service offering.

Services and Specialties

Self-Managed Super Funds
Wealth Management
Margin Lending and Gearing Strategies

Qualifications and Professional Affiliations

Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Arts
Diploma of Financial Services (Financial Planning)
Ethics and Professional Relationships


Member of Stockbrokers and Investment Advisers Association (MeSIAA)


Managed Investments
Financial Planning
Margin Lending
Derivatives Level 1
I am a partner of Antaeus Investment Trading Pty Ltd which operates the business of Morgans Financial Limited - Brighton. My employer remunerates me by way of salary. As a Partner of Antaeus Investment Trading Pty Ltd, I will be entitled to a share of profits.