Mike Tynan
Investment Adviser
My primary goal is to develop tailored wealth management advice to better the quality of life of my clients.
I have been providing advice to retail clients since 2014 and hold a Master of Business in Applied Finance. My advice covers a variety of asset classes and also extends to comprehensive wealth management solutions.
Investment Style
My investment advice is tailored to individual financial needs and objectives. With a focus on holistic wealth management, I offer advice across a broad range of asset classes including Australian and international shares, managed funds and cash products. I develop long term relationships with private clients and self-managed super funds who seek active portfolio management.
Services and Specialties
Wealth Management
Margin Lending and Gearing Strategies
Fixed Interest and Cash Management
Self-Managed Super Funds
Superannuation Advice
Qualifications and Professional Affiliations
Master of Business (Applied Finance)
Bachelor of Commerce
Ethics and Professional Relationships
Member of Stockbrokers and Investment Advisers Association (MeSIAA)
Life Insurance
Margin Lending
Managed Investments
I am a partner of Tynan Partners Pty Ltd which operates the business of Morgans Financial Limited - Brisbane Tynan Partners. My employer remunerates me by way of salary. As a Partner of Tynan Partners Pty Ltd, I will be entitled to a share of profits.
Mike Tynan is a partner of TPFour, which has a contractual arrangement with Tynan Partners Pty Ltd, that operates the business of Morgans Financial Limited - Tynan Partners. As a partner of TPFour I am remunerated as your adviser by way of salary and a percentage of fees.
Referrals are important to our business and are greatly appreciated. Note: Any advice in this email is GENERAL in nature and no consideration has been given to your personal needs, objectives or circumstances. You should consider if this advice is appropriate for you.