Patricia Tsicalas
Private Client Adviser
I take a holistic approach to wealth creation, protection and preservation through financial planning, investment advice and strategy, ensuring the advice is tailored to my clients' specific needs.
Patricia started her career in the financial services industry in 2006, with a strong background in life insurance and superannuation.
Investment Style
Patricia provides her clients with a full range of investment services and advice including stockbroking, managed investment, insurance and superannuation. Patricia uses her technical knowledge and a common sense approach to assist clients to meet their specific needs and objectives.
Services and Specialties
Superannuation Advice
Wealth Management
Margin Lending and Gearing Strategies
Personal Insurance
Philanthropic Services
Qualifications and Professional Affiliations
Bachelor of Commerce
Ethics and Professional Relationships
Diploma of Financial Services
Master Member of Stockbrokers and Investment Advisers Association (MSIAA)
Margin Lending
Managed Investments
Derivatives Level 1
Life Insurance
Financial Planning
I am employed by Reynolds Securities Pty Limited which operates the business of Morgans Financial Limited - Sydney Reynolds Securities. My employer remunerates me by way of percentage of fees.
I am employed by Rock Pearl Pty Ltd, which has a consultancy arrangement with Reynolds Securities Pty Limited, which operates the business of Morgans Financial Limited - Reynolds Securities. My employer remunerates me as your adviser by way of salary and potential dividends.
GENERAL ADVICE WARNING The contents of this communication are general in nature . You should not act on this advice before first discussing it with me - Morgans and I accept no responsibility if you do so. Please note that my views and recommendations may often differ to that of Morgans.