Peter Knight
Senior Investment Adviser
I filter the white noise and provide you with objectivity and guidance to help you make meaningful decisions.
Peter has been a Stockbroker with Morgans since 2006. Peter genuinely appreciates the nature of investing in an ever-changing market place and the need for a strong head in an environment where we are saturated with information.
Investment Style
Peter provides comprehensive and professional investment advice based on a client's particular financial needs and risk profile. He specialises in Australian equities, ranging from large blue chip companies to growth companies listed on the ASX. Peter also has a particular interest in providing direct equity advice to self managed superannuation funds. Peter believes in achieving wealth creation by finding intrinsic value in reliable assets.
Services and Specialties
Portfolio Administration
Fixed Interest and Cash Management
Wealth Management
Qualifications and Professional Affiliations
Bachelor of Commerce
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Managed Investments
Margin Lending
I am a partner of The Spring Hill Partnership which operates the business of Morgans Financial Limited - Spring Hill. My employer remunerates me by way of percentage of fees. As a Partner of The Spring Hill Partnership, I will be entitled to a share of profits.