Richard Gregory
Drawing on global markets experience and informed decision making to work with clients as a trusted adviser in managing their wealth for the long term.
Richard began his professional career in stockbroking in 1995 in Brisbane. Richard furthered his global financial markets experience in London, where he worked for ~10-years on the equity sales and trading desks of global investment houses including Goldman Sachs and Macquarie dealing for and advising professional fund managers.
Investment Style
Richard's main focus is on portfolio construction in direct shares to build sustainable wealth. Richard's global markets experience means he is mindful of the importance and influence of macro trends and developments however he believes in the common sense maxim that 'buying quality businesses at reasonable prices is the opportunity'. Richard also has a particular interest in providing direct equity advice to self managed superannuation funds.
Services and Specialties
Wealth Management
Superannuation Advice
Self-Managed Super Funds
Fixed Interest and Cash Management
Qualifications and Professional Affiliations
Bachelor of Economics
Graduate Diploma of Applied Finance & Investment
Core 1 Securities and Managed Investments Accreditation Program
Ethics and Professional Relationships
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Margin Lending
Derivatives Level 1
Managed Investments
I am employed by Morgans Holdings (Australia) Limited which operates the business of Morgans Financial Limited - Brisbane. My employer remunerates me by way of percentage of fees. I am eligible to participate in a bonus scheme depending upon performance.