Robert Bunn
Senior Adviser - Morgans Wholesale Services
Creating, preserving and utilising wealth through effective financial management is my core objective and should be your minimum expectation.
Robert has worked in the finance industry for 32 years, including working in the UK advising UK institutions on equities and advising Australian institutions on international equities. Robert has also held positions as Executive Director of McIntosh Securities and Head of Proprietary trading. Robert holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Public Policy from the Paisley University in Scotland.
Investment Style
We always put our clients' interests first. This means that we value honesty and transparency. We strive to generate a sustainable cash flow for our clients. Capital preservation is important. We try to achieve an economic rate of return. We seek to grow when opportunities present themselves. We keep our clients informed and aware and encourage them to take ownership of their investments, and actively engage us in the decision process.
Services and Specialties
Wealth Management
Qualifications and Professional Affiliations
Bachelor of Arts
Financial Services
Ethics and Professional Relationships
Master Member of Stockbrokers and Investment Advisers Association (MSIAA)
Managed Investments
I am employed by Morgans Holdings (Australia) Limited which operates the business of Morgans Financial Limited - Melbourne. My employer remunerates me by way of salary and percentage of fees. As a shareholder of Morgans Holdings (Australia) Limited, I may be entitled to a share of profits.