Sam Paradice
BA GDipBusSt MAppFin
Branch Manager
I am a fan of Warren Buffett and encourage my clients to invest in quality companies with a large market share, high return on equity and future earnings growth.
Sam began working in the finance industry as a corporate credit analyst for the Banque de Paris in Sydney and Brisbane over 15 years ago. Subsequent to this Sam worked as a private client adviser for Macquarie Bank and Merrill Lynch. In 2003, Alex Warner and Sam returned home to Scone to co-found Parawarn Pty Ltd which owns the Morgans Scone office, of which they are the branch managers.
Investment Style
Sam specialises in investing in long-term, high-quality, well-managed large industrial and resource companies. He looks to build wealth for his clients by holding these quality companies for the long term whilst reinvesting dividends. Having an analytical background, Sam also attempts to invest a prudent allocation of client’s funds in smaller quality industrial companies. Sam also has a particular interest in providing direct equity advice to self managed superannuation funds.
Services and Specialties
Wealth Management
Margin Lending and Gearing Strategies
Portfolio Administration
Self-Managed Super Funds
Options and Warrants
Qualifications and Professional Affiliations
Master of Applied Finance
Graduate Diploma of Business Studies
Bachelor of Arts
Graduate Diploma of Applied Finance and Investment
Master Member of Stockbrokers and Investment Advisers Association (MSIAA)
Margin Lending
Derivatives Level 1
Managed Investments
Derivatives Level 2
I am employed by Parawarn Pty Ltd which operates the business of Morgans Financial Limited - Scone. My employer remunerates me by way of salary and percentage of fees. As a shareholder of Parawarn Pty Ltd, I may be entitled to a share of profits.