Simon Cox
Private Client Adviser
Creating, preserving and utilising wealth through effective financial management is my core objective.
Simon holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree and commenced his business career as an Accountant, successfully completing his studies as a Chartered Accountant (CA). With background experience in accounting, superannuation, taxation and investments, Simon now specialises in investment advice to retail clients. Areas of interest include Australian listed equities; managed funds; fixed interest securities and cash-based investments.
Investment Style
Simon gives financial advice to individuals and self managed superannuation funds. He has a particular interest in creating wealth utilising self managed superannuation funds, Australian equities and in developing appropriate strategies.
Services and Specialties
Superannuation Advice
Portfolio Administration
Fixed Interest and Cash Management
Wealth Management
Qualifications and Professional Affiliations
Graduate Diploma of Chartered Accounting
Diploma of Financial Planning
Margin Lending and Geared Investments
Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting & Finance)
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Financial Planning
Managed Investments
Margin Lending
I am employed by Morgans Holdings (Australia) Limited which operates the business of Morgans Financial Limited - Brisbane. My employer remunerates me by way of percentage of fees. As a shareholder of Morgans Holdings (Australia) Limited, I may be entitled to a share of profits. I am eligible to participate in a bonus scheme depending upon performance.