Tony Dennis
Integrity, honesty, insight, pragmatism and a passion for the market, delivered with a touch of irreverence - that is what you get from me.
Tony joined Morgans in 2000 and was a Director of Morgans and Head of the Brisbane Dealing Room from 2008 - 2019, in addition to actively managing his personal clients' portfolios. He now concentrates fully on managing his clients portfolios.
Investment Style
Tony provides his clients with a full range of investment services, while specialising in broad ranging, free thinking portfolio management. He specialises in in-depth analysis of companies, sectors & investments thematics and combines this with a down-to-earth common-sense approach to investing. His preference is for long-term relationships with clients who are interested in active management of their portfolio.
Services and Specialties
Portfolio Administration
Wealth Management
Self-Managed Super Funds
Investment Advice
Qualifications and Professional Affiliations
DFP5v1 Tax for Financial Advising
Diploma of Financial Advising
Ethics and Professional Relationships
Company Directors Course
Postgraduate Certificate of Management
Master Member of Stockbrokers and Investment Advisers Association (MSIAA)
Derivatives Level 1
Margin Lending
Managed Investments
Financial Planning
Derivatives Level 2
I am employed by New Quattro Pty Ltd T/A which operates the business of Morgans Financial Limited - Newstead. My employer remunerates me by way of salary. As a shareholder of New Quattro Pty Ltd T/A, I may be entitled to a share of profits. As a Director of New Quattro Pty Ltd T/A, I will be entitled to a share of profits.
I am a Director of New Quattro Pty Ltd which operates the business of Morgans Financial Limited - Newstead. New Quattro Pty Ltd remunerates me as a director by way of salary. As a Shareholder of New Quattro Pty Ltd, I will be entitled to a share of profits.
TONY'S DISCLAIMER: These comments are general only. You should personally discuss them with me to make sure they apply to you. My views and advice are often different to that of Morgans published research. I make my living by getting a cut of the brokerage you pay. I am not always right.