We all want the best for our children. We want them to have a bright and financially stable future. And what better way to provide for them than by starting a savings plan using investment in the stock market. The bank of Mum and Dad can be an excellent start for your child's financial journey.

How do we do this?

1. Get Familiar with the Stock Market

Before investing your money in the stock market, it's essential to understand its ins and outs. There is no denying that the stock market's fluctuations can be volatile and unpredictable. But the right strategy can help mitigate risk and yield decent returns. You can invest in stocks through stocks directly or in exhcange traded funds, which provide broad market exposure.  Stick to investments with high levels of dividend, so the dividend income can be reinvested.

2. Start Early to Reap the Benefits of Compounding

Compounding is the accumulation of interest on your initial investment, which can lead to significant growth over time. The earlier you start investing, the more time your money has to compound. For example, if you start investing $100 a month when your child is born, with an annual return of 7%, you could accumulate $44,000 by the time they turn 18. Setting up regular contributions is a simple yet effective way to jump-start your savings plan.

3. Diversify Your Portfolio

Investing in a diverse range of stocks can help spread the risk and potentially increase returns. You don't want to be overly invested in one company or industry, as this can lead to losses. A well-diversified portfolio should encompass different sectors and themes and can be made in Australia or internationally.  Being diversified means that you're not putting all your eggs in one basket and can withstand market fluctuations.

4. Invest with a Long-Term Mindset

Investing in the stock market is a long-term game, and you should approach it with a long-term mindset. Trying to time the market or make a quick buck rarely works out. The most successful investors tend to buy and hold their investments for an extended period. This approach allows for compound growth and lets you ride out the ups and downs of the market - a perferct strategy for a childs nest egg savings plan.

5. Seek Professional Advice

Investing your money in the stock market can seem daunting, and it's easy to get caught up in all the noise. Seeking professional advice can help you make more informed decisions and develop a robust investment strategy. A Financial Adviser can help you assess your financial goals, risk tolerance, and investment horizon. They can guide you towards the best investment options and help you keep track of your progress towards your financial objectives.

Investing in the stock market can help create a significant nest egg for your child's future. Starting early, diversifying your portfolio, and seeking professional advice can put you and your child on the right path towards financial security.

Want to get started? Contact us.  We'd love to help.

Kylie Harding is an Investment Adviser who believes in free access to information about building financial literacy at every stage in life has the potential to empower women and inspire economies.

Contact Kylie today on [email protected] or 02 9998 4206.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is provided to you by Morgans Financial Limited as general advice only, and is made without consideration of an individual's relevant personal circumstances. Morgans Financial Limited ABN 49 010 669 726, its related bodies corporate, directors and officers, employees, authorised representatives and agents (“Morgans”) do not accept any liability for any loss or damage arising from or in connection with any action taken or not taken on the basis of information contained in this report, or for any errors or omissions contained within. It is recommended that any persons who wish to act upon this report consult with their Morgans investment adviser before doing so.

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